Using VersaTile’s User's Manual. _____________________________ Accessing the VersaTile™ User's Manual. You can access VersaTile's user's manual anytime VersaTile is active by selecting "VersaTile Help" from the Balloon Help menu in your Macintosh's menu bar. You can also access the on line manual by pressing the "help" key on the extended keyboard, or using the "Help" button in the "About VersaTile" dialog box.   To use VersaTile's User's Manual, first select a topic from the popup menu at the bottom of the window and then use the scroll bar to read the desired information displayed in the text box. This window will respond to page up, page down, home, end, and the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the text. Pressing the tab key will select the next topic from the popup topic menu. Pressing shift-tab will select the previous topic. You can copy the help text from the help window using the standard copy commands. Using System 7.5 you can highlight selected text and drag it out of the help window into SimpleText or any other Drag & Drop aware application. If you have the Speech Manager Extensions installed, a "Speak Text" button will also be visible along the bottom of the window. Use this button to have VersaTile read the user's manual to you.